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Ecobuild 2014 - Can democracy deliver sustainability?

Investment in sustainability measures makes financial sense but the payback is usually longer than the five-year parliamentary term. Successive governments have proved reluctant to compel individuals to invest in upgrading the energy efficiency of their homes because this is politically unpopular. Proposals to make homeowners upgrade the energy efficiency of their home when building an extension have been dropped three times. Can a democratically elected UK government ever introduce the tough measures needed to ensure we hit our 2050 carbon reduction target?

Host: Babita Sharma, BBC World News presenter

John Sauven, Executive Director, Greenpeace
Rt. Hon. Lord Deben, John Gummer, Chairman, Committee on Climate Change
Jane Davidson, Director, Institute of Sustainable Practice, Innovation and Resource Effectiveness’s (INSPIRE) and former Minister for Environment and Sustainability, Wales

Jane Davidson will be introducing the Edge’s thinking on a National Plan as part of the debate