Why the Trees & Design Action Group is supporting 'Teach the Future'

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writes Sue James, member of the Edge and Convenor of the TDAG

We face a number of ‘wicked problems’ most seriously the complexity of those brought about through climate and ecological breakdown caused by human behaviour.

A ‘wicked problem’ (Horst Rittel and Melvin Webber, 1973), is one that has no simple answer. We all need to collaborate and work together effectively to find solutions to put into practice.

The ‘Teach the Future Campaign’ demands the reform of the education system to integrate knowledge about climate change and ecological breakdown as a requirement throughout all parts of the curriculum. A better informed community should be more capable of taking action on these ‘wicked problems’.


The Trees and Design Action Group has a less ambitious parallel aim – to integrate trees into all aspects of planning and delivery in the built environment. But, the principles of engaging, persuading, encouraging and requiring those, who may not have the same understanding of the issues or the consequences of not doing so, are similar.

Better informed young people will contribute to better informed citizens able to tackle these ‘wicked problems’ – we need to ‘Teach the Future’ now!